Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tales From The Riverbank

Among the most popular kinds of fishing, the sedate afternoon on the riverbank has to be one of the most enduring. For many people, it is fishing the way it should be. Quiet, usually fairly isolated and relaxing, with only a few people there. There are many reasons why this is a good way to […]

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Catching Fish To Eat

Although many people eat fish, and many go fishing, there is a surprisingly small subgroup of people who do not put the two together – by eating what they catch. In some communities, it is the major reason people go fishing, but in most of the West, fishing is viewed more as a leisure pursuit. […]

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It Takes Two Or More Attempts

When you go fishing on your own, you are likely to find that the process is just not as much fun as you would like it to be. It’s not just because an experience shared is an experience enhanced, either. Of course, sitting down on a riverbank with a few cold drinks and snacks makes […]

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The Fishing Box The Professionals Use

When you go fishing semi-regularly, you will often find that you keep thinking the same thing every time you go. One problem or pattern will keep cropping up to the point where you cannot ignore it, and eventually, you will make a note to be aware of it next time. There are certain things that […]

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Epic Battles Of Our Time

It is often claimed that former US president George W Bush once said “I believe that human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully”. While there is a dispute over whether he said that, surely no-one disagrees that it is true. However, you will come to question the truth of it when you have put a […]

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