Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Ultimate Fishing Relaxation Holiday

For anyone who wants a truly relaxing holiday, you’d have to go some to beat a week spent fishing somewhere nice and sunny. The huge advantage to a fishing holiday is, of course, that not only are you many miles away from the grind of work and personal life, but you can spend your days […]

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Finding The Best Equipment

When you do something, you want to do it well. It is a natural human attitude – to feel that your experience of something will be improved the better you are at it. and for most people, this is certainly the case. This is why people spend a lot of money on fishing equipment. Some […]

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How Far Will You Go?

There are perhaps more fishermen and anglers in the world than there are practitioners of any other sporting pursuit. There are many reasons for this – the peace that it offers; the fact that you can, ordinarily, eat what you catch; even, in some people’s view, the return to a sort of “hunter-gatherer” mentality. Whatever […]

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There Is More After The Fishing

The skiing fraternity seems to many people as though they have a monopoly on post-hobby fun. There is a French word – après-ski – which is used to describe a social scene which is present in nigh-on every ski resort in the world. In practice, it generally means drinking a lot of schnapps and dancing […]

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Is Fishing Humane?

Many people disagree entirely with the premise of angling for sport or food, arguing that fishing is, in and of itself, cruel. This opinion is an extension of the more widely held view that hunting should also be banned because of the aspect of cruelty in that sport. However, is it exactly true to say […]

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