Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fishing for beginners

Fishing Is Easier When You Use A Net

There is a widespread tendency to think of fishing as an older…

Eat What You Catch

It is surprising how few people eat the fish that they catch.…

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Fishing For the Advanced

Tales From The Riverbank

Among the most popular kinds of fishing, the sedate afternoon on the…

Catching Fish To Eat

Although many people eat fish, and many go fishing, there is a…

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Fishing Tips

You Should Have Seen The One That Got Away

There is a popular running joke which is used to gently mock fishermen. It essentially runs that a fisherman who shows off his catch looks apologetic at its relatively small size, and says to their audience “you should have seen the one that got away. It was huge.” Commonly, this…

Make Sure You Have The Right Stuff

When people go fishing for the first time and come home empty-handed, they are prone to complain that it just isn’t for them. they may argue that some people just have the knack for it, or that they didn’t get the luck or any one of several reasons. In reality,…

A Life On The Ocean Wave

There are few things in life more symbolic of leisure than taking a boat that you have bought or rented out onto a body of water to go fishing. Although it is no easy thing to operate a boat, nor to land, a fish that you have hooked, the overall…

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